Get to Know CGC’s Experts

Matt Nelson, President and Primary Grader

Matt began collecting vintage comics at an early age, starting with a copy of Iron Man #1 that he received for his 14th birthday. By age 18 he had opened More Fun Comics with Bill Ponseti, and within two years Matt became the youngest Overstreet Advisor ever. Shortly thereafter, Matt opened Classics Incorporated, a business dedicated to comic restoration.

After CGC opened in 2000, Matt quickly realized the potential of third-party grading in the industry and added pressing and removal services to his business. In 2008, Matt and Kenny Sanderson introduced the revolutionary process of leaf casting to comic restoration, elevating the process to new heights. That same year he also partnered with Stephen Ritter to open Worldwide Comics, selling high end vintage comics both online and at shows throughout the country. CGC purchased Classics Incorporated in 2013 and relocated the business to Sarasota, Florida.

In 2016, Matt transitioned from President of CGC’s pressing services to Primary Grader at CGC, and then in 2021, he was promoted to President of CGC. Matt authored the Official CGC Guide to Grading Comics, which was released in 2022. His handling of hundreds of thousands of high-end comics, including the most valuable comics ever sold, plus an intimate knowledge of their history and pedigrees gives Matt the skill set required to accurately assess any comic book he holds.

Shawn Caffrey, Vice President of Comics Grading

Shawn's interest in comics was sparked over 30 years ago, when his best friend introduced him to the Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars. Over the years, his focus shifted toward independent publishers such as Pacific, Dark Horse, Eternity, Fantagor, Kitchen Sink (which offered titles and characters that appealed to his love for horror and science fiction).

Shawn began his professional career in the industry in 2000, when he was hired by CGC in the encapsulation department and worked his way up to Grader and then Finalizer, a position he has held for over 20 years. He fondly recalls the highlights of his career: seeing amazing books, such as EC file copies and books from Nicholas Cage's collection, traveling to conventions, meeting and building relationships with remarkable people in the hobby who helped cultivate his knowledge of Modern comics, and becoming an Overstreet Grading Advisor in 2011.

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